How To Re-Open For Business Amid COVID-19
As we prepare to re-open our economy, 我们已经开始汇集资源,为您提供所需的见解和信息,以使过渡尽可能舒适和合规. Please take a look at the following information. If you have questions, email us 我们会帮您联系合适的Rea专业人士,以解决您的具体挑战.
美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)整理并提供了一页纸的文件,以帮助企业主, school officials, and others during the re-opening process.
Responsible Protocols For Getting Back To Work
俄亥俄州卫生部发布了所有企业都要遵守的关键协议,作为其“负责任的重返工作岗位协议”的一部分." These protocols include:
- Require face coverings
- Conduct daily health assessments
- Maintain good hygiene
- Clean and sanitize
Of course, there are additional guidelines. You can click here to learn more or click here 下载可列印的“负责任的协议”文件.
我们知道你对重返大气层的程序有很多疑问, 这就是为什么我们的COVID-19工作组将在“冠状病毒后的生活是什么??" webinar series. You can click here 了解我们在未来一两周安排的网络研讨会,以及查看过去的网络研讨会. 对于过去专门与“重新进入”有关的网络研讨会,请继续滚动. 我们将尽最大努力在本页上对它们进行分组,以便易于访问.
Next Steps for ReStart Ohio & Workplace Safety Compliance
Leading the Re-Entry Process: People & Business
Responsible Restart Ohio
俄亥俄州的医疗机构将于5月1日重新开放. Other businesses will be allowed to re-open a bit later. 某些企业将被允许营业的日期见下文. 你可以点击图片查看下面传单的完整版本, 其中包括对重新开业的企业的强制性程序以及推荐的最佳做法. Click here to learn more about Responsible Restart Ohio.
- 由俄亥俄州医学委员会许可的行业:按摩治疗,针灸,美容治疗
- Manufacturing, Distribution & Construction
- Consumer, Retail & Services
- General Office Environments
- 美发沙龙,日间水疗中心,指甲沙龙,理发店,日光浴设施,
Tattoo Parlors, and Body Piercing Locations - Restaurants and Bars
- Camping and Campgrounds
- Child Care
Additional Assistance For Employers During Re-Entry
During this time, as we attempt to re-open our businesses, much will continue to remain uncertain - not just for you, but for the men and women you employ. Throughout our COVID-19 Resource Center, 我们提供了丰富的信息来帮助您的每一步,同时确保您拥有必要的工具来领导您的团队度过这个充满挑战的时期. To access this information, 如果您是从计算机访问此页面,请继续滚动或遵循位于屏幕右侧的导航栏中的链接.
Unemployment Insurance
While we, as a state and as a nation, are taking steps to re-open the economy, the process will certainly be a slow one. As a result, 失业保险福利将继续是这些重新开放努力的重要组成部分.
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
俄亥俄州的居民可以继续通过俄亥俄州就业和家庭服务部从俄亥俄州寻求失业援助. Click here to learn more.
常见问题:雇主在这个时候最常问的问题之一是——“如果我叫员工回去工作,但他们拒绝了, what should I do?ODJFS在其网站的“失业资格”部分回答了这个问题. Click here to learn more. According to the government agency:
“我们首先鼓励雇主与那些表示不愿重返工作岗位的员工进行对话,讨论雇主正在采取的帮助员工感到安全的措施. 我们期望,在大多数情况下,雇主和雇员能够共同努力,确保员工重返工作岗位的安全环境. 在大流行之前,就有行政支助厅确定是否对拒绝重返工作岗位的人不发放失业救济金的程序. 《安全的赌博软件》为雇主提供了在线报告的途径, 哪个比打电话或发邮件更有效. 分析的中心是是否存在拒绝合适工作的正当理由. 这一决定涉及以下因素:先前的培训和工作经验, wages and benefits, travel distance, shift and hours, health and physical fitness, and health and safety. Also as part of the process, 当局会向雇主和雇员索取事实,而每一方均有机会向失业补偿覆核委员会提出上诉. Employers can learn more by going to and clicking on 'COVID-19 Return to Work Guidelines'."
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program
新的联邦流行病失业援助(或“PUA”)计划为许多没有资格领取州失业救济金的个人提供福利, including self-employed workers, 1099 tax filers, and part-time workers. Click here to learn more.
Additional Resources
不要忘记访问我们专门的COVID-19资源中心页面,了解雇主的主要财务资源信息和见解. 我们的COVID-19工作组专门研究了薪水保护计划, Main Streat Lending Program, the CARES Act, and more. Click here to check it out.
Contact Us
我们知道你有很多关于重新入境程序的问题-如果你还没有, you soon will. The Rea & 协会的COVID-19工作组由金融专家组成, human resources professionals, and industry specialists, 所有人都致力于为您独特的业务挑战寻找解决方案. Click here to email a member of our task force today.