Client Advisory Services | Outsourced Accounting | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
Client Advisory Services

What Is Client Advisory Services (CAS)?

At a very basic level, 客户咨询服务(CAS)满足了企业对后台支持日益增长的需求. 从总账维护到日常交易记录, payable services, bank and credit card reconciliations, and month-end closes, 我们的团队为您提供所需的支持,以便您可以专注于您喜欢的事情. 通过日常的财务报表报告和定期会议, Rea更进一步:我们的会计和咨询服务团队将利用技术解决方案更深入地了解您的业务数据,提供专家分析和短期和长期财务规划见解.

CAS允许您重新思考传统的后台结构. By providing custom, 利用基于云的解决方案的外包会计服务, 你们的CAS团队将担任贵公司的控制员. Beyond transactional work, 您将获得可靠的建议和战略见解,旨在帮助您更好地了解公司的财务健康, 获得动力,在做决定时考虑大局.

A Closer Look At CAS

Rea & 联合律师事务所的客户咨询服务可适应您的公司. 您是否正在寻找定制的外包会计解决方案,以解决从记录会计交易到解决各种挑战, to looking for technology solutions to streamline your data entry work or anything in between; we specialize in helping businesses like yours do more with less.

On their own, services such as bookkeeping, 月末会计支持和数据驱动型咨询并不新鲜. 但是通过对这些传统服务采取不同的方法, 我们可以为中小型企业的所有者揭示令人兴奋的机会,以推动真正的增长和有意义的结果.

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Customizable Solutions

With CAS, 您可以根据业务的特定需求选择适当的支持级别. If you need somebody to handle daily transactions, great! 如果你正在寻找分析实时财务数据的方法,以便在市场中变得更加主动, that's fine too. You can choose as many or as few of the services as you want.

By harnessing effective technological solutions, 您的CAS团队可以为您提供最新的全面会计和财务信息-让您随时监控您的业务, anywhere. With key information at your fingertips, 你拥有做出关键业务决策所需的工具,这些决策将在今天产生重大影响, tomorrow and beyond.

Technology Is Key

雷亚的客户咨询服务可以根据您的具体业务需求量身定制, which means we can provide you with:

  • Customizable and user-friendly dashboards.
  • 访问旨在帮助推动业务成功的一系列指标.
  • 高级分析报告,允许您提取数据并确定趋势.
  • 24-7 access to critical business reports.

What technology are we using to deliver these services?

  • QuickBooks® Online
  • BILL
  • Expensify
  • Restaurant365
  • Qvinci

CAS Technology | Rea CPA

CAS是中小型企业的游戏规则改变者,因为它有效地平衡了大型竞争对手之间的竞争环境. Now, 您可以为您的企业提供所需的大型专业会计部门, without the headache of dealing with interviewing, onboarding, training and overhead costs.

您的专业团队经验丰富的会计专业人士致力于为您提供持续的战略分析和指导,以帮助您了解您的企业当前的财务状况. 这种强大的知识将使你能够及时利用机会, minimize risks and effectively move your business forward.

The Job Description

Your outsourced accounting and advisory team will:

  • 包括一个对你公司的特定行业和市场有深刻见解的有经验的顾问.
  • Regularly set aside time to discuss trends, opportunities and concerns based on current business data.
  • 能够就关键会计和财务管理问题提供持续的战略指导.

除了业务在其整个生命周期中面临的可预测的挑战之外, the overall business climate continues to be unpredictable. Rea & Associates’ team of service professionals, 行业专家和商业顾问努力紧跟不断变化的政府法规, disruptive business trends and general industry concerns. When you work with Rea, you have access to:

  • 一支由最优秀的会计、税务和商业咨询专业人士组成的不断壮大的团队.
  • Teams of dedicated industry specialists.
  • 丰富的专家见解和持续的专业教育资源,以帮助促进整体业务的可持续发展和增长.

What Can You Expect?

我们的客户顾问团队将协调您的会计解决方案的设置和整合. 然后,他们将与您一起开发流程并提供任何必要的培训. 你会得到日常会计、月末结账和报告方面的帮助. 我们的顾问团队将定期与您一起审查财务结果,并作为您业务的持续顾问. Beyond the transactional work, 你会得到可靠的建议和策略,这样你就能理解你的财务报表, gain direction, and see the big picture. The ultimate goal is for you, the business owner, 专注于对您来说重要的事情——运营您的业务,并让我们的CAS专家负责后台会计职能的各个方面,以使业务更有利可图. 要更好地了解安全的赌博软件和我们提供的定制解决方案,请查看我们的 Client Advisory Services Tiered Packages downloadable.

Contact Us

你准备好对公司的后台会计工作采取一种新的方法了吗? Are you ready to drive data-backed business growth? 你准备好把注意力集中在每天早上让你起床并全力以赴的工作上了吗? Contact us 让我们谈谈您的业务面临的具体挑战,以及我们的客户咨询服务团队可以如何帮助您.

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